Friday 30 September 2016

Magazine Flat Plan

College magazine 
The 3 main colour scheme is orange white, black and an accent colour of blue. To make the main cover line stand out, the models name is printed in the biggest and boldest font, along with cover lines surrounding the page. the difference between this magazine and music magazines is, the image looks a lot neater, and also portrays the ideal student. The models shirt is tucked in, really clean and he's wearing all white, which gives the idea to the reader/buyer that he is the ideal student, and makes him seem like a role model as such. the fact that he's wearing a shirt and not a normal t-shirt emphasises that he is a serious student.

Monday 26 September 2016

Class analysis of Usher in 'Vibe' Magazine

  • Mid Long Shot (MLC)
  • Aeroplane in background
  • Pilot/ Engineer clothing
  • Box-fresh white shirt
  • Dog Tags
  • Aviator shades
  • "Top Gun"- classic US icon
  • Lighting: High Key lighting, emphasises star quality
  • Runway/ Airstrap

Colour scheme: 
Blue, Yellow, Khaki (and black).
Font: san-serif

Expensive accessories; connotate RnB

Page Layout
Masthead: Vibe
Convention to place star in front of masthead
Vibe is well established/ Usher has dominance
Skyline; names of other artists
included QR code, website and Barcode

Main cover Line 
Anchors picture
other cover lines (what else is in the magazine)

Thursday 22 September 2016

Production Schedule

As well as studying Media, im very much into fashion, and I'm eager to learn more about 'Mise en Scene', where I can choose the models outfits and props for the magazine. Im also very much into writing, so creating articles and stories for magazines or blogs is something I look forward to.